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Enter one or more Ticker Symbols, separated by spaces. If you don't know the Ticker Symbol, find it in Symbol Search below.

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Symbol Search
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Intraday Groups, Charts and Indices
Stock Markets
Most Active
Biggest Gainers
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Biggest Losers
Volume Alerts
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Industry Groups
Internet Stocks
Computers (PCs)
Airlines and Aircraft
Leisure Products
Consumer Electronics
Computers (Workstation)
Computers (Networking)
Computer Software

Foreign Exchange
Major Currencies (incl. Euro)
  Market Indices
$INDU Dow Jones Industrial
$MMX Major Market Index
$NV.X NYSE Transportation Index
$UTY.X Philadelphia Utility Index
$COMPX NASDAQ Composite Index
$INX S&P; 500
$OEX S&P; 100
$MID.X S&P; Midcap 400 Index
$NF.X NYSE Financial Index
$RUT.X Russell 2000 Index
$SOX.X Semiconductor Index
$PSE.X PSE Technology Index
$XCI.X Computer Technology Index
$XOI.X AMEX Gold and Silver Index
$FST.X London FTSE Index
$JPN.X Japan Index
$HKX.X Hong Kong 30 Index

Symbol Search

Conduct a search now , review our Search Tips or find special case symbols at the following locations:
Index Symbols
Commodity Futures Symbols
Option Symbols
Street (Govt. Security) Symbols
Canadian Symbols
U.S. Stock Symbols

Search Tips:

The Search Symbols are not case sensitive.

When asking for quotes on U.S. Exchanges, it is not necessary to specify the Exchange - the symbol alone is sufficient.

For non-U.S. Exchanges, you will need to specify the Exchange:Symbol pair. For example, the symbol XXX on the Toronto Stock Exchange would be "TSE:XXX".

Indices always begin with a dollar sign ($).

Options Symbols start with a '+' sign.

Bulletin Board Stocks start with 'BB:' plus the Ticker Symbol.

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