What we can do for you!Cales Investments, Inc. has the fundamental resources to help today�s investors meet their financial objectives and the technology to keep brokers highly competitive. We can offer full online capabilities to online investors who prefer to make their own investment decisions. Brokers will be able to offer online functions to their investors, if they choose to do so. The obvious advantage is that investors can find answers to many administrative questions, themselves. Brokers spend time on what they are getting paid for. Finding suitable investments for their customers. At Cales we understand the dedication it takes to become successful in this business. We show our appreciation to everybody who has shown a serious commitment to nurturing customer relationships. This business is all about service and staying power. A broker�s success can be measured through the extent a person is able to build lasting client relationships. A successful relationship with a customer in turn can only be achieved if the customer is serviced promptly and in the long run � has adequate risk adjusted returns. Cales Investments, Inc. gives you the necessary tools to build successful relationships with customers. Technology is a tool that will make it easier for you to build and successfully maintain a large customer base. Our web-site will give you the tools you need. You will receive Online Training Support, Account Access, Order Entry capabilities with executions sometimes within seconds, records of communications with customers, Technical Chart Analysis �and the latest �Deep News-Search�� Technology*. You will be able to mail-merge from your customer database and drill-down to details of every trade and every position. All you need is a 56 K modem and 50 MB diskspace! What we ask of you is only that you treat your customers fairly and
service their accounts promptly.