Ticker Symbols for Indices
Index and indicator symbols normally start with a '$'. They often have a trailing '.X', but not always.
Here are some examples of index and indicator symbols:
- $INDU = Dow Jones 30 Industrial IndexSM
- $OEX.X = S&P; 100 Index
- $MID.X = S&P; Midcap Index
- $SPX.X = S&P; 500 Index
- $COMPX = NASDAQ Composite Index
- $ADR.X International Market Index
- $ADVA AMEX Advancing Issues
- $ADVN NYSE Advancing Issues
- $ADVQ NASDAQ Advancing Issues
- $BANKX NASDAQ Banking Index
- $BBS.X S&P; 500 Banking Index Ex. Set. Value
- $BGX.X Biotech Index
- $BIX.X S&P; Banking Index
- $BKX.X PHIL Bank Index
- $BKY.X BTK LEAPS Settlement Valuation
- $BTS.X $BTK.X Settlement Valuation
- $BTK.X Biotechnology Index
- $CEX.X S&P; Chemical Index
- $CMR.X Morgan Stanley Consumer Index
- $COMP Dow Jones CompositeSM
- $COMPX NASDAQ Composite Index
- $CPO.X FTSE 100 Index
- $CSO.X $CMR.X Settlement Valuation
- $CWS.X CBOE Computer Software Index Settlement
- $CWX.X CBOE Computer Software Index
- $CXS.X S&P; Chemical Index Ex. Set. Value
- $CYC.X Morgan Stanley Cyclical Index
- $CYO.X $CYC.X Settlement Valuation
- $DECLA AMEX Declining Issues
- $DECLN NYSE Declining Issues
- $DECLQ NASDAQ Declining Issues
- $DGO.X $DRG.X LEAPS Settlement Valuation
- $DRG.X Pharmaceutical Index
- $DRO.X $DRG.X Settlement Valuation
- $DVOLA AMEX Down Volume
- $DVOLN NYSE Down Volume
- $DVOLN NASDAQ Down Volume
- $ECU.X European Currency Unit
- $ERI.X FT-Actuary Index Value in $
- $ERP.X EuroTrak 200 Index
- $ERT.X Eurotrack 100 Index
- $ETI.X Eurotrack 200 Index
- $ETK.X EuroTrak 100 Index
- $EUR.X Eurotop 100 Index (Reduced Value)
- $EUV.X $EUR.X Settlement Valuation
- $EVS.X CBOE Environmental Index Settlement
- $EVX.X CBOE Environmental Index
- $FST.X FTSE 100 Index
- $FTI.X FTSE 100 Index
- $FVX.X 5-year Treasury Note Index
- $GAX.X CBOE Gaming Index
- $GJX Goldman Sachs Commodity/Energy
- $GKX Goldman Sachs Commodity/Agricultural
- $GNX Goldman Sachs Commodity Index
- $GOA.X Global Telecom Asks Index
- $GOB.X Global Telecom Bids Index
- $GPX Goldman Sachs Commodity/Prec. Metals
- $GTB.X Lehman Bros. Global Telecommunications Basket
- $GTS.X Global Telecom Index Fin. Settlement
- $GTX Goldman Sachs Commodity/Total Return
- $GVX Goldman Sachs Commodity/Livestock
- $GYX Goldman Sachs Commodity/Ind. Metals
- $HCS.X S&P; Health Care Index Ex. Set. Value
- $HCX.X S&P; Health Care Index
- $HHPA Handy Harmon Palladium Index
- $HHPL Handy Harmon Platinum Index
- $HKL.X Hong Kong Index (4% value)
- $HKO.X Hong Kong Index (40% value)
- $HKX.X AMEX Hong Kong 30 Index
- $IDX S&P; 400 MidCap Index
- $IIX.X Interactive Week Internet Index
- $INDU Dow Jones 30 IndustrialsSM
- $INDSX NASDAQ Industrial Index
- $INSRX NASDAQ Insurance Index
- $INX S&P; 500 Index
- $IRX.X 13-week Treasury Bill Index
- $IUS.X S&P; Insurance Index Ex. Set. Value
- $IUX Russell 2000 Stock Index
- $IUX.X S&P; Insurance Index
- $IXBTX NASDAQ Combined Biotechnology Index
- $IXC.X NASDAQ Chicago Regional Index
- $IXCOX NASDAQ Computer Index
- $IXF.X NASDAQ Financial Index
- $IXK.X NASDAQ Oklahoma Regional Index
- $IXL.X NASDAQ Los Angeles Regional Index
- $IXN.X NASDAQ New York Regional Index
- $IXS.X NASDAQ San Francisco Regional Index
- $IXTCX NASDAQ Telecommunication Index
- $IXW.X NASDAQ Washington D.C. Regional Index
- $IZC.X Implied forward rate for $IRX.X
- $IZD.X Implied forward rate for $IRX.X
- $IZE.X Implied forward rate for $IRX.X
- $IZF.X Implied forward rate for $IRX.X
- $IZG.X Implied forward rate for $IRX.X
- $IZI.X Implied forward rate for $IRX.X
- $JPN.X Japan Index
- $JPV.X $JPN.X Settlement Value
- $KAK.X CAC 40 Index
- $LEX.X Long term Mexico Index
- $LNU.X Long term Nikkei 300 Index
- $LSX.X $SPX.X Index Dec 95 LEAPS
- $LSY.X $SPX.X Index Dec 94 LEAPS
- $LTY.X Long Term Treasury 30 yr. 96
- $LXB.X Long Term Treasury 13 wk. 96
- $LTN.X Long Term Treasury 10 yr. 96
- $LTV.X Long Term Treasury 5 yr. 96
- $MDO.X S&P; MidCap 400 FLEX Option Set. Val. (o,c)
- $MEX.X Mexican ADR Index
- $MIA.X S&P; MidCap 400 FLEX Option Set. Val. (o,c,h,l)
- $MID.X S&P; MidCap 400 Index
- $MIH.X S&P; MidCap 400 FLEX Option Set. Val. (h,l)
- $MIV. $MID.X Settlement Valuation
- $MKX.X Big Cap Sector Index Set.
- $MMX Major Market Index
- $MSH.X Morgan Stanley High Tech 35 Index
- $MXN.X S&P; MidCap 400 Net Asset Index
- $MZS.X S&P; MidCap 400 Shares Outstanding Index
- $NCMPX Composite for Natl. Mrkt. System
- $ND.X NYSE Industrial Index
- $NDX.X Nasdaq 100 Index
- $NF.X NYSE Financial Index
- $NHB.X NYSE Beta Index
- $NHX.X NYSE Opening Settlement for Beta Index
- $NNA.X NYSE Utility Index
- $NNX.X NYSE Opening Settlement for Utility Index
- $NSX.X S&P; 500 Index - Settle on Close
- $NV.X NYSE Transportation Index
- $NYA.X NYSE Composite Index
- $NYX.X NYSE Opening Settlement for Composite Index
- $OAV.X $OEX.X FLEX Average Set. and High/Low Value
- $OBX.X $OEX.X Index Dec 94 LEAPS
- $OCO.X $OEX.X FLEX Average Exercise Set. Val.
- $OCS.X $SPX.X FLEX Average Exercise Set. Val.
- $OET.X $OEX.X FLEX Opening Exercise Set. Val.
- $OEX S&P; 100 Index
- $OEX.X S&P; 100 Index
- $OEZ.X S&P; 100 Index Amer. Sty. Index
- $OFINX NASDAQ Finance Index
- $OGS.X S&P; MidCap OSG Shares Ex Index
- $OHL.X $OEX.X FLEX Average High/Low Value
- $ORC.X $RUT.X FLEX Avg. Exercise Set. Val.
- $PON.X Airline Index Final Set. Val.
- $POX.X Phone Sector Index Settlement
- $PSE.X PSE High Technology Index
- $PWC.X Paine Webber Currency Index
- $RHL.X $RUT.X FLEX Avg. High/Low Value
- $RIA.X REIT Asks Index
- $RIB.X REIT Bids Index
- $RIX.X REIT Index
- $RLS.X $RUT.X FLEX Opening Ex. Set. Value
- $RLX.X S&P; Retail Index
- $RRS.X S&P; Retail Index Ex. Set. Value
- $RSI.X REIT Index Final Settlement
- $RTL.X Retail Index
- $RUA.X Russell 3000 Index
- $RUI.X Russell 1000 Index
- $RUT.X Russell 2000 Index
- $RUV.X $RUT.X FLEX Avg. Set. and High/Low Value
- $SAV.X $SPX.X FLEX Avg. Set. and High/Low Value
- $SET.X $SPX.X FLEX Opening Ex. Set. Value
- $SGX.X S&P; Barra Growth Index
- $SHL.X $SPX.X FLEX Average High/Low Value
- $SOX.X Semiconductor Sector Index
- $SPE.X SPDRs Estimated Cash Account
- $SPL.X S&P; 500 Index - Long Term
- $SPQ.X S&P; 500 End-of-Quarter
- $SPU.X SPDRs Creation Unit Total Cash Amount
- $SPX.X S&P; 500 Index
- $SPZ.X S&P; 500 Index strike price overflow
- $SSX.X 13-week Treasury Bill Index Settlement
- $SVX.X S&P; Barra Value Index
- $SXD.X SPDRs Net Accumulated Dividend
- $SXN.X SPDRs Net Asset Value
- $SXP.X SPDRs Final Quarterly Dividend
- $SXS.X SPDRs Shares Outstanding
- $SXV.X SPDRs Underlying Trading Value
- $TCX.X CBOE Telecommunications Index
- $TICK NYSE Issues up/down ratio
- $TIKI DJIASM Issues up/down ratio
- $TIO.X Telegraph Israeli Index
- $TNS.X 10-year Treasury Note Index Settlement
- $TNX.X 10-year Treasury Note Index
- $TOP.X Eurotop 100 Index
- $TRAN Dow Transport Index
- $TRANX NASDAQ Transportation Index
- $TRIN NYSE Short Term Trading Index
- $TRS.X S&P; Transportation Index Ex. Set. Value
- $TRX.X S&P; Transportation Index
- $TVOLA AMEX Total Volume
- $TVOLN NYSE Total Volume
- $TVOLQ NASDAQ Total Volume
- $TYS.X 30-year Treasury Bond Index Settlement
- $TYX.X 30-year Treasury Bond Index
- $UNCA AMEX Unchanged Issues
- $UNCN NYSE Unchanged Issues
- $UNCQ NASDAQ Unchanged Issues
- $UTIL Dow Utilities Index
- $UTILX NASDAQ Utilities Index
- $UTY.X PHIL Utility Index
- $UVOLA AMEX Up Volume
- $UVOLN NYSE Up Volume
- $VGX.X CBOE Biotech Index Dec 95 LEAPS
- $VIX.X Market Volatility Index
- $VLE.X PHIL Value Line Arithmetic European Index
- $VXB.X 13-week Treasury Bill Index Dec-95 LEAPS
- $VXN.X 10-year Treasury Note Index Dec-95 LEAPS
- $VXV.X 5-year Treasury Note Index Dec-95 LEAPS
- $VYY.X 30-year Treasury Bond Index Dec-95 LEAPS
- $WGX.X CBOE Biotech Index Dec 94 LEAPS
- $WSX.X Wilshire Small Cap Index
- $XAM.X AMEX Market Value Index
- $XAO.X AMEX Airlines Index Final Settlement
- $XAT.X XAM Middle Atlantic
- $XAU.X American Gold and Silver Index
- $XBD.X Broker Dealer Index
- $XBS.X Securities Broker Dealer Index
- $XCI.X Computer Technology Index
- $XCP.X XAM Capital Goods
- $XCS.X XAM Consumer Goods
- $XFN.X XAM Financial Index
- $XFR.X XAM Foreign Index
- $XHC.X XAM Housing, Construction & Land Development
- $XHT.X XAM High Technology
- $XIA.X Institutional Index FLEX Option Set. Val. (o,c,h,l)
- $XIH.X Institutional Index FLEX Option Set. Val. (h,l)
- $XII.X Institutional Index
- $XIO.X Institutional Index FLEX Option Set. Val. (o,c)
- $XMA.X Major Market Index FLEX Option Set. Val. (o,c,h,l)
- $XMH.X Major Market Index FLEX Option Set. Val. (h,l)
- $XMI.X Major Market Index
- $XMN.X XAM Mountain Index
- $XMO.X Major Market Index FLEX Option Set. Val. (o,c)
- $XMV.X Major Market Index FLEX Option Set. Val. (o,c)
- $XNC.X XAM North Central
- $XNE.X XAM New England
- $XNG.X Natural Gas Index
- $XNR.X XAM Natural Resources
- $XOC.X PHIL National Over-the-Counter Index
- $XOI.X Oil Index
- $XPI.X XAM Pacific
- $XRI.X XAM Retail Index
- $XSA.X XAM South Atlantic
- $XSC.X XAM South Central
- $XSI.X XAM Service
- $XSV.X XILX Settlement Valuation
- $XTC.X North American Telecommunications Index
- $XTV.X $XTC.X Settlement Valuation
- $XVL.X PHIL Value Line Index (1/10th value)
- $ZDI.X Index SuperUnit Dividend Payment
- $ZDM.X Money Market SuperUnit Dividend Payment
- $ZID.X Index SuperUnit Undistributed Dividend
- $ZIN.X Index SuperUnit Net Asset Value
- $ZMD.X Money Market SuperUnit Undistributed Dividend
- $ZMN.X Money Market SuperUnit Net Asset Value
- $ZRU.X Long Term Russell 2000 Index 97
- $ZXB.X Long Term Treasury Yield 13 week
- CRY0 CRB Index
- DXY0 US Dollar Index
- ERY0 Eurotop 100 Index
- NYY0 NYSE Composite Index, Special Expir.
- YXY0 NYSE Composite Index
- CME:ICm CME Feeder Cattle Index (m is the month code)
- CME:IHm CME Lean Hog Index (m is the month code)
- COMEX:HHG Handy/Harmon Gold Spot
- COMEX:HHS Handy/Harmon Silver Spot
- KCBT:VAY Value Line Index - Arithmetic Average
- KCBT:VGY Value Line Index - Geometric Average
- TSE:TI100 Toronto 100 Index, Interim
- TSE:TI200 Toronto 200 Index, Interim
- TSE:TI300 Toronto 300 Index, Interim
- TSE:TI35 Toronto 35 Index, Interim
- TSE:TO100 Toronto 100 Index, Official
- TSE:TO200 Toronto 200 Index, Official
- TSE:TO300 Toronto 300 Index, Official
- TSE:TO35 Toronto 35 Index, Official
- VSE:COMP Vancouver Composite Index
More Information
These are the other types of tradeable instruments that Quote.com follows, each with its own naming conventions:
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