Mutual Funds

A Mutual Fund offers an investor the security of diversification plus fund management and supervision in a single investment.

An investor selects a mutual fund made of the type of securities that meet their investment needs and risk preferences. The burden of studying business corporations, industry trends, and market conditions is delegated to professional investment managers.

A wide variety of mutual funds are available to serve different investment objectives.

Suggested Links for Additional Information on Mutual Funds
(pages open in a second browser window)

Getting Started in Mutual Funds
Educates investors on mutual fund basics. Provides fund family profiles, screening, analysis, commentary, and asset planning.

How to Choose a Fund From SmartMoney University
Outlines seven steps for selecting a mutual fund appropriate to your investment needs.

Mutual Fund Glossary
Definitions of terms specific to mutual funds.

SmartMoney University's Overview of Mutual Funds
An overview of mutual funds that includes hyper-links to definitions of related terminology.